AMED TIMES The appointment of Murat Zorluoğlu, who was previously the governor of Van and served as the trustee of Van Municipality, as the governor of Diyarbakır by President Erdogan has prompted many to comment that a 'trustee preparation' is underway.

With the decree released last night, Murat Zorluoğlu, who previously served as a trustee in Van and also held the office of elected mayor of Trabzon for the AK Party, was appointed as the governor of Diyarbakır. The appointment of Zorluoğlu for Diyarbakır has raised the question in the city: 'Is a trustee being prepared for Diyarbakır?

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Murat Zorluoğlu was the governor of Van and trustee of Van Municipality between 2017 and 2018. In the local elections on March 31, 2019, he was elected mayor of the city of Trabzon by the AK Party.

Tanrıkulu: I hope this is not a preparation for a possible appointment as trustee!

CHP deputy for Diyarbakır, Sezgin Tanrıkulu, shared on his social media account after the appointment of the governor: "I hope that the appointment of Mr. Murat Zorluoğlu, who has already served as governor, trustee and mayor of Diyarbakır, as governor of Diyarbakır is not a preparatory measure for a possible appointment as trustee."

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Saadet Partisi Grup Başkanvekili Bülent Kaya: Interesting!

Saadet Partisi Grup Başkanvekili Bülent Kaya commented in his post: "A governor with experience in local administration for Diyarbakır! Interesting!"

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Burç Baysal: A governor who will increase the efficiency of Diyarbakır-Trabzon flights

Former President of Diyarbakır Industrialists and Businessmen's Association (DİSİAD) Burç Baysal also commented on the newly appointed governor, saying, "A governor who will increase the number of flights between Diyarbakırand Trabzon has been appointed." In his message, which he posted on his social media account, Baysal said:
"A governor has been appointed who will increase the efficiency of Diyarbakır-Trabzon flights. In short, the government is sending this message: I can intervene in the will of the people of Diyarbakır at any time with a trustee."

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Editör: Gülistan Korban