AMED TIMES - Presidential adviser Oktay Saral targets those who wanted to walk from Saraçhane to Taksim for the 1 May celebrations"

Saral announced on his social media account:

You do not want to accept celebrations in many places that the state deems appropriate, you want to sanctify and taboo Taksim just to create chaos. Democracy is too much for you and those like you who do not recognise law and order."

Saral showed pictures of citizens trying to break through the barricades and said:

Those who want to celebrate 1 May Day should not go through Taksim. They will not accept to celebrate in many areas that the state deems appropriate, they will sanctify and taboo Taksim just to create chaos...

To the vandals who attack the state security forces and their supporters, I say: what would have happened to you if you had committed these acts of vandalism in the USA and European countries, which you always hold up as an example of democracy? Democracy is too much for you and those like you who do not recognise law and order... Either the state is in charge or the raven sits on the carcass!"

Editör: Haber Merkezi